It's very said to say these words at age 26, but my "good" hip is now hurting. That must mean that I have a bad hip? Yes, I do in fact have a bad hip. In high school I was one busy girl, cheerleading, track band, StuCo, you name it I was involved. On top of all those activities, I still worked part time at least 3 days a week. So one day at work I bent down to pick something up and when I stood up I couldn't walk. I mean, I literally had to drag my right leg with me. So the next morning I went to the Athletic Trainer at school and he could not figure out what was wrong with me. That day at school consisted of me dragging my leg around with me and my "friends" laughing hysterically at me. It was kinda a funny sight. I then went to my general practitioner, and shocker they knew nothing about joints, muscles or even how to test them (that's what PT's are for!) anyways, it all resolved itself and every once in a while since then my hip will get locked up and take me a minute to walk.
Within the last year, sitting in class for hours a day, my hip started locking up a lot more frequently especially when I sit to take a test, and we take a million tests. I can deal with getting up from sitting and limping around for a minute or two. What I can't handle is my left hip is now aching and I have to lift it into my car!
So I saw a few doctors this week for some crazy symptoms I was having. Since I was so busy telling the doc I thought I was having either a stroke, heart attack or had a brain tumor, I thought they would think I was crazy if I told them I might need a total hip replacement too, so I left that little detail out.
Yes I am definitely a hypochondriac thanks to learning too much in school, but something is seriously wrong with my damn left hip now!
I'm just going to comment on all your posts... and agree with everything you say. LOL.
I'm also a hypochondriac and have gone to the doctor more than necessary. Anyway... The last three months that I was in LA, one of my hips (can't remember which one now) was killing me. I was going to a chiropractor at the time and he felt nothing wrong, so he suggested it was stress. WTF? I mean, I've had stress manifest itself if my neck and back before, but my hip? Seriously? I went to a general practitioner for an x-ray after 2.5 months of pain, and sure enough there was nothing physically wrong; no arthritis or other visible ailment. Sure enough, after a week of living in San Jose, the pain went away. So I think it probably was stress - about moving, studying for the last exam, wanting to get the hell out of LA, etc.
Maybe the pain in your "good" hip is from stress? I know you've been super busy and majorly stressed from school.
I'm not trying to be a doctor here, just sharing that oddly enough stress can manifest itself in your hip! Good luck!
LOL! Who would have known, stress is an evil thing!! I need to figure out a way to control it more efficiently! But thanks for sharing in your aches and pains too!
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