I just finished the book "Why Men Marry Bitches" (the WHOLE book) by Sherry Argov. Bitch is described as: A strong woman who has her own identity and is secure with who she is. It was a very good book that gave 75 Relationship Principles. An example of these principles is "The more rational and calm you remain, the more emotional he will become" and another one of my favs is "The magic formula is to give a little...and then pull back. Give a little....and then pull back" and one more great one "He marries the woman who won't lay down like linoleum". The greatest thing about this book is it pointed out that I am in fact a BITCH! (Like we all didn't already know this). I have recently gone on a few dates with a guy and I unfortunately could not test these principles out as I was just feeling more of a friend connection than a romantic connection. Great guy, very smart and successful...but if it's not there it's not there....
But reading this book really pointed out where I go wrong, I get emotional! WHY? Because I am a woman? No, I think it's deeper than that. I have gotten emotional over men I didn't even really like(long story in itself).... I have come to realize that it is my intuition telling me to RUN! AND from now on that's exactly what I am going to do.....Anyways any single ladies out there, I HIGHLY recommend you read this book!
ha thats funny. i will have to borrow that book from u.
Here is what I have found... in all my previous relationships, I have always felt like I had to put on an act or watch what I say or do because I was worried about what the other person would think.
But with Mike... I am completely myself. Have been from the start. And it is an amazing feeling. When you find that person you can be yourself with... you'll know its right.
And you are the good kind of "bitch." :)
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