There are SOO many things I want to do during my life time. Here are 60 things so far, I will add more as they come up....
Graduate from PT school
Travel to Europe
Get Married
Have Kids
Go on a cruise
Buy a boat
Own a home
Run a marathon
Travel US in a Motor Home
Start a non-profit PT clinic
Work as a missionary
Learn to sow
Design an interior of a home
Win the Lotto
Learn to Ballroom Dance
Compete in Ballroom dancing
Teach at the college level
Live on the water, Lake or Ocean
Teach Sunday school
Potty Train a Dog
Learn all the ins and outs about taxes
learn a different language
Visit New York
Watch a Broadway show in NY
Ride a bike across the Golden Gate Bridge
Take naked pics and love them!
Watch live horse races DONE!
Go see Oprah
Chicago, IL
Eat Dinner on the top of the Effie Tower
Day at the Spa
Travel to Norway
Learn to Play Craps
Own a horse
Live on a Ranch
Own a cabin in the mountains
Buy investment property
Learn to Wake Board
Surf in Hawaii
Plant a Garden
Own a pair of Milano Blahnik Shoes
Take a photography class
Knit a sweater
Volunteer with Hospice
Be a CEO of a big corporation
Build furniture
Host a dinner party
Plant a cherry tree
Compete in Iron Woman competition
Visit South Africa
Lead a bible study
Go to a Vineyard for wine tasting
Be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader!
Design a dress
Read a WHOLE book DONE!
Ride a Quad through the desert DONE!
Take golf lessons DONE! (sorta, need more)
White water rafting
Master the Art of Interviewing
Learn to cut hair
See Joel Osteen Live/Maybe work for him one day!
Snowboard in Aspen
Learn to cook like Rachel Ray
random musings: 2.4.15
10 years ago
Hey there,
Love the new digs. Come by and visit mine. I haven't always been the most regular but I have been making an effort lately. I'll read you if you read me!!!
um, you just described 8 people's lifetimes.. you beter get cracking
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