So I think I have officially become a crazy cupcake lady. I really enjoy making cupcakes for people's birthdays. So over the years I have made many cupcakes as well as you would think I am a pro by now right!?! WRONG! I still can't figure out how far to fill the wrappers to avoid this....

I just bought a cupcake carrier that holds 36 cupcakes!!! wow! I was almost afraid I wasn't going to be able to find one...they were all sold out online at Bed Bath and Beyond (I have a 20%off coupon) and when I called the store they said they wouldn't have anymore for 4 weeks! So obviously very disappointed as well as shocked at the demand on these things...but some how they located one for me and I dashed out to pick it up (who cares about studying when a cupcake carrier was located!?). However, they only had a clear one when I wanted a pretty pink one....The man I talked to on the phone clearly thought I was crazy when I showed disappointment about not having a pink one.....clear will do.
The whole point of making cupcakes this weekend?? Kellie's 25
th birthday! SO we went out to a really cool restaurant in downtown Long Beach to have Tapas and wine(Amazing food!) with some of her girl friends and I brought along the cupcakes. One of
Kel's friends Allison is seriously one of the funniest people I have ever met (and if you know me I love to laugh) anyways at the end of dinner and birthday candle fun, the server asked if I need a container for the left over cupcakes... Allison quickly replayed "NO, she has the mother of all cupcake containers" (Me- Dying laughing) So walking out of the restaurant I was carrying the left over cupcakes, walking through crowds of
partiers by this time.... Allison turned to me and said "You are ruining our game with those cupcakes"

I got a great ab workout that night from all the laughing and because I really couldn't get over how much conversation we had about the damn cupcakes! TOO Fun!

Kellie & Leslie Both celebrating birthdays....check out those candles the
restaurant had....